But you never knew what was gonna happen or when. It was funny like that in the 'hood sometimes. Came out an accessory to *** and armed robbery. CAINE: Went into the store just to get a beer. Ain't gonna talk ***, are you? Where all the money at, man? *** that. How do you open this ***? What the fu-? Six *** dollars, ***? Y'all got money in this *** somewhere.

I thought I told you to open the damn register Thought you were down. ***, I told your stupid *** to shut the *** up! ***, hurry up! O-DOG: Hell, yeah. If you don't eject it I'm gonna smoke your ***. Where's the tape at? -What the *** did you do, man? O-DOG: Go get this *** right now. Oh, ***! O-DOG: You better shut the ***- I ain't playing. Where the *** videotape? Give me the *** video. O-DOG: You talking ***? Every time I come in this ***, you got something to say. Just get out! -What the *** did you say? -I don't want any trouble.

What you say about my mama? You feel sorry for who? I don't want any trouble. Hey, why don't you give my homeboy his change? I don't want any trouble. Why don't you get my change? -Thank you. Why don't you go ahead and get it? -***. Why don't you calm your *** nerves? Hurry up and go. CAINE: I'm gonna *** with some of this Ides. What you want, Dog? Go ahead and give me that Old E. I don't know why you're trying to act like you're cleaning up. Keisha? She gonna be at the *** party, ***.

Remember that ***? MAN 2: Hell, yeah, ***. MAN 3: Can y'all brothers spare some change? MAN 2: Hey, yo, man, get the *** out of my face, fool! MAN 1: *** what he say. MAN 1: Hey, ***, is there gonna be some *** in this ***? MAN 2: There's gonna be a gang of ho's up in this ***.